
Augmented Reality

Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that overlays digital information in the real world, providing users with a composite view. 

AR is typically used through a smartphone or tablet, but it can also be used with other devices, such as glasses. AR apps use the device’s camera to track the user’s environment and then superimpose digital information onto it. AR can be used to create interactive and engaging learning experiences. Students can use AR to explore the solar system, dissect a frog, or learn about historical events.

AR Learning Kit for Schools

Smartphone/ Tablet

It can be a smartphone, tablet or wearable device. The display must be high-resolution and have a wide field of view to provide an immersive experience.

Teacher's Console

AR systems can collect data on students' interactions and performance providing valuable insights for educators.

Wifi- Router

AR application often require real-time data access and processing, which relies on a stable and reliable internet connection.

Storage cum Docking Station

A storage cum charging unit can keep your devices organized, protected, and charged/

Phone/Tablet for AR Access 

Storage Unit

Transforming Education with Augmented Reality: An Immersive Journey into Enhanced Learning

A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradise

Accessibility and

AR can be used to provide aids to students with visual impairments or auditory aids to students with hearing impairments.

Interactive Learning Experiences

AR can be used to create interactive learning experiences that allow students to explore concepts and experiment with different ideas

Personalized Learning

AR can be used to provide students with adaptive learning experiences that are tailored to their individual needs. This can help students to learn at their own pace.

Provides access to real-world experiences

AR can give students access to real-world experiences that would otherwise be impossible or impractical.

Software Provided

We provide schools with a variety of tools and resources to help them integrate augmented reality (AR) into their curriculum.

Interactive content

3D interactive content mapped to the curriculum

AR development platforms

The platform includes a library of pre-made AR experiences, as well as tools for creating custom AR experiences.

AR content creation tools

AR authoring tools allow teachers to create their own AR experiences without having to code.

3D models

Students can use 3D models to explore objects and concepts in a way that is not possible with traditional 2D images.