

World's Largest Interactive, Curriculum-aligned, AR/VR Library

750+ Interactive STEM Modules


Physics is an extremely important subject, which allows us to connect with the physical world. Its inherent complexity can be intimidating, as students can easily doubt whether they are up to the task. But removing that sense of intimidation for learners can be empowering and inspiring. Using immersive experiences promotes that connection between learner and concept, inspiring greater inquiry.


Chemistry can be a difficult subject to grasp as learners are often confused by obscure terms and processes. Instructors are always on the lookout for ways to allow students to realize that chemistry manifests itself in everyday life. Distraction-free learning, inside a virtual environment, is conducive to engaging learners in focused attention on difficult concepts


Life is a wonder, and learning about the intricacies of the world around us, at a biological level, is now within the grasp of learners. Enter into a plant, become a part of an ecosystem, and feel a connection with the smallest particles that make up the basis of life. From genes to proteins, or cells to protoplasm, immersion into this world brings life, to life!


Mathematical concepts are not always easily visualized, handicapping learners who just don’t “get it.” However, Veative has created some interesting ways to bring students into the world of maths, by connecting difficult-to-grasp ideas with real world situations, all in a virtual world! When a polyhedron is no longer a flat image, but a 3D, interactive object, it starts to make more sense. When that object can be explored from the inside, spatial intelligence is activated and a deeper understanding is within the reach of learners.